Thank You For Your Purchase

Start the 21-day BALD EAGLE challenge

This is your ticket to exclusive access to a members-only email challenge. Your purchase of ScapeGear’s Premium Head Shaver set gets you in on the action. The secret to acing the perfect bald head shave awaits.

Attention bald men who want to get back their confidence

Enter your details to sign up for the challenge

This is your ticket to exclusive access to a members-only email challenge. Your purchase of ScapeGear’s Premium Head Shaver set gets you in on the action. The secret to acing the perfect bald head shave awaits.

  • Discover how to change your mindset about baldness FOREVER
  • Watch the 6 steps to getting The Perfect Bald Head Shave fast
  • Get a Quick Cheatsheet of the BEST PRODUCTS for bald heads
  • Uncover the SECRET TRICK to maintaining your shave
  • Unlock support from a community of Bald Head Lovers